Can Men Truly Be Our Allies?

In a world where gender equality continues to be a vital topic of discussion, the

question of whether men can be true allies in this struggle is often brought to the

forefront. The quest for equality is not just a women's issue; it's a societal one, where

the participation of all genders is crucial for meaningful progress. But can men

genuinely stand shoulder to shoulder with women in this endeavour? To explore this,

we must delve into the dynamics of allyship, the shared responsibilities, and the

potential for men to contribute positively to the cause of gender equality

Understanding the Question

To truly understand this question, it's important to define what being an 'ally' means.

An ally in the context of gender equality is someone who supports, empowers, and

stands up for the rights and well-being of another group—in this case, women—while

not being a direct member of that group. This requires more than just passive

agreement; it necessitates active participation, a willingness to learn, and the courage

to challenge ingrained biases and societal norms.

So, when we ask if men can truly be allies, we're delving into the feasibility and

authenticity of their support. Can they empathize with the challenges faced by women?

Are they willing to use their societal positions for positive change? And importantly,

can they do this consistently and effectively? This blog aims to unravel these questions

and provide a nuanced understanding of male allyship in the journey towards gender


Lessons from History

History is not just a record of past events; it's a treasure trove of lessons, especially

when it comes to understanding the dynamics of gender equality and allyship.

Throughout history, there have been numerous instances where social change was

propelled not just by those directly affected by inequality, but also by allies who

recognized the injustice and joined the fight. These instances show us that change is

often more effective and far-reaching when it involves a coalition of diverse voices and


In examining the history of women's rights and gender equality, we can see that

progress often coincided with men and women working together. This collaboration

has been crucial in challenging and dismantling systemic barriers. From suffrage

movements to workplace equality, history shows us that allyship can be a powerful

tool in driving societal change.

Male Figures Who Have Been Allies

Throughout history, there have been many men who have stood out as allies in the

fight for gender equality. These figures have used their influence, power, and voice to

support and advance the cause of women.

1. Frederick Douglass: An American social reformer and abolitionist, Douglass

was a staunch supporter of women's suffrage. He believed in the equality of all

people, regardless of gender or race, and was a key figure in the early women's

rights movement in the United States.

2. John Stuart Mill: A British philosopher and political economist, Mill was an

early advocate for women's rights. His work, "The Subjection of Women"

(1869), argued for the equal treatment of women and was groundbreaking for

its time.

3. Olympe de Gouges: Though not a man, it's worth noting de Gouges for her

influence on male allies. A French playwright and political activist, she wrote the "Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen" (1791) as a

response to the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen." Her work

inspired men and women alike and is an early example of how advocating for

women's rights can influence others, including men, to become allies.

These historical figures show us that men have been, and can be, significant allies in

the fight for gender equality. They demonstrate that allyship involves using one's

position and privilege to support and uplift those who are fighting for their rights and

recognition. This historical perspective sets the stage for understanding how men can

continue to be allies in the modern context.

Reason 1: Empathy and Understanding

The Ability of Men to Empathize

Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, is a cornerstone

of effective allyship. Men, like anyone else, possess the capacity for deep empathy,

which can be a powerful tool in bridging the gender divide. This empathy allows men

to appreciate the challenges faced by women and understand the importance of

gender equality on a personal level. It's not just about acknowledging the struggles

women face; it's about feeling a sense of responsibility to act and make a difference.

Empathy in men can be nurtured through various means – personal relationships,

education, and exposure to diverse perspectives. By engaging with women's

experiences, listening to their stories, and understanding their viewpoints, men can

develop a stronger sense of empathy. This empathetic understanding is crucial for

moving beyond superficial support to meaningful action.

Real-Life Examples

1. Justin Baldoni: An American actor and director, Baldoni has used his platform

to promote gender equality and challenge traditional notions of masculinity. His

series, "Man Enough," delves into discussions about masculinity and

vulnerability, encouraging men to empathize with women's experiences and

understand their role in supporting gender equality.

2. Patrick Stewart: The renowned British actor, known for his roles in "Star Trek"

and "X-Men," has been a vocal advocate against domestic violence. Drawing

from his own experiences of witnessing domestic abuse as a child, Stewart

empathizes deeply with victims and actively supports organizations that work

towards the safety and empowerment of women.

3. Community Initiatives: Across the globe, there are numerous community

based programs that engage men and boys in discussions about gender

equality. For instance, programs that involve men in conversations about issues

like domestic violence, reproductive rights, and equal pay, aim to foster

empathy and understanding. These programs show that empathy can be

cultivated and that it leads to men becoming more active and informed allies. These examples demonstrate that when men can empathize with the experiences of

women, they can become powerful agents of change. Empathy breaks down barriers

and fosters a shared understanding, which is essential for any meaningful alliance in

the fight for gender equality.

Reason 2: Shared Goals and Mutual Benefit

Common Aims in Gender Equality

The pursuit of gender equality is not just beneficial for women, but for society, including

men. When men recognize that gender equality also supports their well-being, it

creates a powerful incentive for them to actively engage as allies. Shared goals in

gender equality can range from creating more equitable workplaces to fostering

healthier relationships and communities.

These shared goals are based on the understanding that gender equality brings about

mutual benefits. For instance, in more gender-equal societies, men often experience

better mental health, more fulfilling relationships, and a broader range of personal

expression. Additionally, gender equality in workplaces leads to more innovation and

better decision-making, benefiting everyone regardless of gender.

Success Stories of Collaboration

1. Gender Equality in the Workplace: Companies that have actively worked

towards gender equality often see remarkable results. For example, firms with

more gender diversity on their executive teams are more likely to outperform

their less diverse counterparts. Men, as team leaders and colleagues, play a

key role in these initiatives by advocating for and implementing policies that

promote gender equality.

2. HeForShe Campaign: Launched by UN Women, the HeForShe campaign is a

solid example of a successful collaboration for gender equality. It invites men

and boys to be agents of change for achieving gender equality. The campaign

has garnered global support, with men from various walks of life committing to

act against gender-based discrimination and violence.

3. The White Ribbon Campaign: Originating in Canada, this is the world's largest

movement of men and boys working to end violence against women and girls.

It encourages men to understand their role in addressing and preventing

violence and promotes gender equity, healthy relationships, and a new vision

of masculinity.

These success stories highlight how shared goals in gender equality can lead to

meaningful collaborations between men and women. When men understand that

gender equality also enhances their lives, they are more likely to become genuine

allies. This mutual benefit is a key reason why men can and should be part of the

journey towards gender equality.

Reason 3: Evolving Societal Norms

How is Society Changing?

Societal norms are in a constant state of evolution, and recent decades have seen a

significant shift towards more inclusive and egalitarian views on gender. This change

is evident in various spheres such as the increased participation of women in the

workforce, the growing rejection of rigid gender roles, and the heightened awareness

of gender-based issues like pay equity and violence against women. These shifts are

not just happening in isolation; they are part of a broader cultural transformation that

is redefining the traditional notions of gender and roles.

The internet and social media have accelerated this change by providing platforms for

diverse voices and facilitating global conversations about gender equality. Younger

generations are growing up with more progressive views on gender roles. This

evolving landscape creates a conducive environment for men to become allies in the

movement towards gender equality, as old stereotypes and norms are being

questioned and redefined.

The Role of Men in This Change

Men have a critical role to play in this ongoing evolution of societal norms. As society

moves away from traditional gender roles, men are increasingly finding the space and

support to redefine what it means to be a man. This redefinition includes embracing

qualities like empathy, vulnerability, and collaboration, which are essential for effective

allyship in gender equality.

1. Men as Role Models: Men who openly support gender equality and challenge

traditional gender norms serve as powerful role models, especially for younger

generations. By demonstrating that masculinity can encompass support for

gender equality, these men help to normalize and reinforce the idea that gender

equality benefits everyone.

2. Men in Leadership: Men in leadership positions can effect change by setting

policies and creating cultures that promote gender equality. This can range from

implementing equitable hiring practices to fostering safe and inclusive

workplace environments.

3. Men in Advocacy and Education: Men are increasingly involved in advocacy

and educational efforts, working to raise awareness about gender-based issues

and to educate other men about the importance of gender equality. This

includes participating in campaigns, workshops, and discussions that aim to

address and change harmful gender norms.

As societal norms continue to evolve, the role of men in this change becomes more

prominent and essential. By actively participating in the movement towards gender

equality and challenging outdated norms, men not only contribute to the betterment of

society but also discover more fulfilling and authentic ways of expressing their own

identities. This evolution is crucial for the realization of a truly equitable society.

Case Studies

Highlighting Successful Male Allies

1. Terry Crews: Known for his career in acting and professional football, Terry

Crews has become a vocal advocate for women's rights. Crews has openly

discussed his experiences with Hollywood's toxic masculinity and has

supported movements like #MeToo. He uses his platform to speak against

sexual harassment and promotes a more inclusive and compassionate form of


2. Mark Ruffalo: The acclaimed actor, Mark Ruffalo, is not only famous for his

roles in cinema but also for his activism in gender equality. He is a vocal

supporter of women's reproductive rights and has participated in various

campaigns and rallies advocating for gender equality, demonstrating how men

can use their influence to support and amplify women's issues.

3. Jimmy Carter: The former President of the United States, Jimmy Carter, has

been a long-time advocate for women's rights. His book, "A Call to Action:

Women, Religion, Violence, and Power," highlights the worldwide plight of

women and calls for men to join the fight against gender inequality. He has been

an influential voice in addressing issues such as child marriage, human

trafficking, and abuse.

Impactful Movements and Initiatives

1. Movember Foundation: Originally focused on men's health issues, the

Movember Foundation has expanded its scope to address mental health and

suicide prevention, which indirectly contributes to gender equality. By promoting

a more holistic view of masculinity, the foundation helps in breaking down

barriers that prevent men from engaging in conversations about gender


2. The Good Men Project: This initiative is a digital platform that explores what it

means to be a good man today. It encourages open discussions about the

changing roles of men in the 21st century and how they can support gender

equality. The project provides resources, stories, and insights that inspire men

to engage more actively in the movement for gender equality.

3. Men Engage Alliance: This global alliance consists of NGOs from various

countries working together to engage men and boys in gender equality. Their

work includes promoting gender-just policies, challenging harmful gender

norms, and advocating for the rights of women and girls. The alliance

demonstrates how men can work alongside women to create a more equitable


These case studies and initiatives showcase the significant impact that men can have

as allies in the fight for gender equality. They highlight the various ways in which men

can contribute, from leveraging their platforms for advocacy to engaging in grassroots movements. These examples serve as powerful demonstrations of how men's

involvement can advance the cause of gender equality and benefit society.

Challenges and Counterarguments

Addressing Scepticism

One of the major challenges in advocating for men as allies in gender equality is

scepticisms. This scepticism often stems from a history of patriarchal systems where

men have been seen as the beneficiaries of gender inequality. Critics may question

the authenticity of male allyship, fearing that it could be superficial or motivated by self

interest rather than genuine support for the cause.

To address these scepticisms, it's essential for male allies to demonstrate consistent

and informed commitment. This involves not just vocal support but active participation

in gender equality initiatives, continuous self-education on gender issues, and using

their positions of influence to effect real change. Transparency in motives and actions,

along with a willingness to listen and learn from women, can help in building trust and


Overcoming Prejudices

Another challenge is the deeply ingrained prejudices and traditional gender norms that

can hinder men from becoming allies. These prejudices often manifest as toxic

masculinity, where traits like empathy and vulnerability, crucial for allyship, are seen

as weaknesses. Men who advocate for gender equality may face backlash, ridicule,

or social ostracization, which can deter their involvement.

Overcoming these prejudices requires a cultural shift in how we perceive gender roles

and masculinity. Education and awareness campaigns play a crucial role in this, as

they can help in redefining societal norms and values. Encouraging open dialogue and

providing safe spaces for men to express their support for gender equality without fear

of judgment are also crucial.

Moreover, showcasing positive examples of male allies, as seen in the case studies,

can inspire other men to follow suit. These examples serve as powerful

counterarguments to the notion that gender equality is solely a women's issue and

show that men can, and do, play a significant role in advocating for and achieving

gender equality.

In summary, while there are challenges and scepticisms towards men as allies in

gender equality, addressing these issues head-on with consistent action, education,

and cultural transformation can help in overcoming these obstacles. This approach not

only promotes a more inclusive movement but also contributes to the broader goal of

achieving true equality.

The Way Forward

How to Build Stronger Alliances?Building stronger alliances between men and women in the quest for gender equality

involves several key strategies:

1. Fostering Open Communication: Encourage honest and respectful dialogues

between men and women. These conversations should allow for sharing

experiences, perspectives, and challenges related to gender issues. Open

communication can help in dispelling myths and building mutual understanding

and respect.

2. Education and Awareness: Continuous education on gender issues is crucial.

This can be achieved through workshops, seminars, and inclusive educational

content. Educating men about the historical context of gender inequality, its

current manifestations, and the benefits of gender equality can motivate them

to become active allies.

3. Promoting Positive Masculinity: Challenge traditional notions of masculinity

that associate strength with dominance and control. Instead, promote a concept

of positive masculinity that values empathy, respect, and equality. Men who

embody these qualities can inspire others to reevaluate their own attitudes and


4. Inclusive Policymaking: Involve men in creating policies and initiatives aimed

at promoting gender equality. This includes workplace policies, community

programs, and educational reforms. Inclusive policymaking ensures that

different perspectives are considered and that the policies are more effective

and comprehensive.

Encouraging Male Participation and Support

1. Role Models and Mentors: Highlight and celebrate male figures who are active

allies. These role models can mentor others and show that supporting gender

equality is a sign of strength, not weakness.

2. Collaborative Platforms: Create platforms where men and women can

collaborate on gender equality initiatives. This could be in the form of joint

advocacy groups, community projects, or online forums. Such platforms

provide opportunities for men to engage in the movement in a supportive and

constructive manner.

3. Recognition and Encouragement: Recognize and appreciate the efforts of

men who actively support gender equality. Positive reinforcement can

encourage continued and increased involvement. Public acknowledgment of

male allies can also inspire other men to participate.

4. Addressing Barriers to Participation: Understand and address the barriers

that prevent men from supporting gender equality, such as peer pressure, lack

of knowledge, or fear of backlash. Providing resources, support networks, and

safe spaces for men to express their support can help overcome these barriers.

The way forward involves a collaborative effort where both men and women work

together towards a common goal of gender equality. By building stronger alliances, promoting positive masculinity, and encouraging male participation and support, we

can make significant strides towards a more equitable and just society.


This blog has explored the critical question: Can men truly be allies in the fight for

gender equality? Through historical perspectives, real-life examples, and discussions

on societal changes, we've seen compelling reasons why men not only can but should

be active participants in this movement.

1. Empathy and Understanding: Men have the capacity for deep empathy,

allowing them to understand and share the feelings of women, thereby

becoming effective allies.

2. Shared Goals and Mutual Benefit: Gender equality is not just a women's

issue; it benefits everyone, including men, creating shared goals that can lead

to collaborative efforts and mutual gains.

3. Evolving Societal Norms: Societal norms are changing, challenging

traditional gender roles, and creating new opportunities for men to engage in

gender equality initiatives.

4. Case Studies and Movements: Successful examples of male allies and

movements demonstrate the significant impact men can have in supporting and

advancing gender equality.

5. Challenges and Counterarguments: While scepticisms and ingrained

prejudices pose challenges, these can be addressed through consistent action,

education, and cultural transformation.

The journey towards gender equality is not a solitary one; it requires the collective

effort of all genders. Men have a crucial role to play in this journey. It's a role that

involves being active listeners, empathetic partners, and advocates for change. It's

about men standing alongside women, not as Saviors, but as supporters and equals.

We call upon men to embrace this role and join in the movement towards a more

equitable world. This involves educating themselves on gender issues, challenging the

status quo, and using their influence to advocate for change. For women, it's about

opening the space for allyship, guiding, and working together with men in this shared


Together, we can break down the barriers of gender inequality. It's time for unity and

cooperation, for building bridges and creating a world where everyone, regardless of

gender, has equal opportunities and rights. Let's move forward together in the spirit of

mutual respect, collaboration, and shared humanity.


I know what it is like to feel undervalued simply because of your gender. I fight for gender equity because the best candidate for any position is not necessarily a man. Women bring so much knowledge, experience and innovation to a business (especially their own) that we can no longer allow biased thinking or biased actions to set us back or derail us from our path. Silence is not a strategy. Every woman (alongwith the allies that help us) must stay in the fight to defeat this non-inclusive way of living.


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